NS13.COM -- Numbered Square 13

The Law of the Squares


The normal count and order of numbers placed in 4 rows of 4 columns, 1-16.

1 2 3 4 =10
5 6 7 8 =26
9 10 11 12 =42
13 14 15 16 =58
=34 =28 =32 =36 =40 =34

1 5 9 13 =28
2 6 10 14 =32
3 7 11 15 =36
4 8 12 16 =40
=34 =10 =26 =42 =58 =34

Notice below the diagonal rows numbers remain in the same positions, the colored squares.

The only numbers changed are the two middle numbers on each side, they are swapped with the opposite side, and reversed.


1 15 14 4
12 6 7 9
8 10 11 5
13 3 2 16


1 15 14 4 =34
12 6 7 9 =34
8 10 11 5 =34
13 3 2 16 =34
=34 =34 =34 =34 =34 =34


=34         =34
1 12 8 13 =34
15 6 10 3 =34
14 7 11 2 =34
4 9 5 16 =34
=34 =34 =34 =34 =34 =34
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The last four pictures are of a Japanese Lantern Hibiscus

thb00022.jpg (14743 bytes)thb00023.jpg (14109 bytes)thb00024.jpg (14134 bytes)thb00025.jpg (13962 bytes)thb00027.jpg (16442 bytes)thb00028.jpg (17108 bytes)thb00029.jpg (18738 bytes)thb00030.jpg (15710 bytes)thb00031.jpg (19405 bytes)thb00089.jpg (12065 bytes)thb00090.jpg (16968 bytes)thb00036.jpg (9027 bytes)thb00037.jpg (9832 bytes)thb00038.jpg (11581 bytes)thb00039.jpg (10824 bytes)thb00040.jpg (24675 bytes)thb00041.jpg (9749 bytes)thb00042.jpg (22796 bytes)thb00043.jpg (22468 bytes)thb00044.jpg (22876 bytes)thb00045.jpg (22749 bytes)thb00046.jpg (21387 bytes)thb00047.jpg (22111 bytes)thpx0056.jpg (7804 bytes)thpx0057.jpg (14534 bytes) The last two pictures are of a flower that smells like a dead carcass and draws the same type of flies that a dead carcass draws.

thb00048.jpg (26510 bytes)thb00049.jpg (26762 bytes)thb00050.jpg (21928 bytes)thb00051.jpg (27968 bytes)thb00052.jpg (19532 bytes)thb00053.jpg (18636 bytes)thb00054.jpg (19378 bytes)thb00055.jpg (18722 bytes)thb00056.jpg (23366 bytes)thb00057.jpg (26773 bytes)thb00058.jpg (25814 bytes)thb00059.jpg (13587 bytes)thb00060.jpg (13047 bytes)thb00061.jpg (14591 bytes)thb00062.jpg (23406 bytes)thb00063.jpg (19177 bytes)thb00064.jpg (24296 bytes)thb00065.jpg (23271 bytes)thb00066.jpg (23448 bytes)thb00068.jpg (19077 bytes)thb00069.jpg (19441 bytes)thb00070.jpg (7730 bytes)thb00071.jpg (18081 bytes)thb00072.jpg (24545 bytes)thb00073.jpg (18459 bytes)thb00074.jpg (17972 bytes)thb00075.jpg (27078 bytes)thb00076.jpg (18551 bytes)thb00077.jpg (11030 bytes)thb00078.jpg (21892 bytes)thb00079.jpg (17485 bytes)thb00080.jpg (19750 bytes)thb00081.jpg (20084 bytes)thumb00025.jpg (17920 bytes)
